Course Orientation
Course Funding Process
This course is a paid professional development opportunity for faculty. We estimate the course will require 10 hours to complete.
Many people like to complete the course in a 3-5 week timeframe but you do have the entire term to complete it. Set what pace works for you!
Many people like to complete the course in a 3-5 week timeframe but you do have the entire term to complete it. Set what pace works for you!
First things first–Review the Welcome block materials then move on to Module 1: Introduction to Online Teaching. Completing the Introduction Forum in this section will activate your first payment of 5 hours. Finish modules 1 and 2, then when you complete the first activity in module 3, the funding will be activated for the additional 5 hours.
Your instructional designer will record these hours for you. You do not need to do anything on your timesheet or sign anything to receive the hours; just participate in class!
Developing a full course is a much longer process than what this course is set up to do. Other opportunities for development funding may be available through your division and through Academic Technology. Contact your dean or ID Services if you are planning to teach a distance ed course and want to find out if there are paid development opportunities available.
For more details about workshops, courses and self-help training go to Instructional Design Services website. Check back often! We are continually adding workshops and training opportunities. If you have an idea for a workshop or software training let us know at