Course Orientation
Completion requirements
Computer Skills
Basic digital literacy is necessary in order to be successful both in taking and leading an online course.
Basic Technology
To be successful in this course you will need:
- A computer with an internet connection
- A modern Web Browser
- Adobe Reader for reading PDF files
- Word processing software such as MS Word, or Google Workspace for viewing and editing office documents
- Access to your LCC provided Google account.
- Moodle account
Basic Internet and Software Skills
- Experience navigating the internet and using an internet browser.
- Experience with internet searches using an internet search engine such as Google.
- Comfort working with multiple browser windows open.
- Basic knowledge of formatting using a word processing program.
- Using your LCC email for communication.
Basic Computer Skills
- Identify the visible (outside) components of a computer (e.g. monitor, computer, mouse, keyboard).
- Turn a computer system on and off correctly.
- Use a portable storage device, save files to different storage devices and/or a cloud storage account (e.g., thumb drive, hard drive, cloud storage).
- Manipulate a mouse, including selecting, double-clicking, and dragging items.
- Open, close, re-size, and move windows.
- Determine the size of a file or folder.
Basic Moodle Skills
- Moodle navigation skills (opening a course, accessing assignments, navigating from one block to another)
- Basic page editing skills (similar to word processing)
- Knowledge of the difference between resources and activities
- Know how to download and upload files